
The Round house

The Round house

The ring-shaped building is a unique architectural monument of Socialism, built in the monumental style that was characteristic of Soviet architecture in the first half of the 20th century. Adjacent to the building is a spacious courtyard with a circular shape, which once had a fountain. The building has 14 through entrances and is part of the #3 district of Socialism. It appeared as a residential complex of the "Zaporizhstal" plant and was erected in 1933-1937 according to the project of the author's collective led by architects H. Orlov and V. Lavrov.

In 1973, the building was connected to the heating system, replacing the stove heating, which was the previous system since the first half of the 20th century. Today, the building is a residential building with 468 apartments. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the building.

For example, the shape of the building resembles the letter "S", and the following buildings were supposed to spell out the word "Stalin". Another theory is that there was supposed to be a landing pad for a helicopter on the roof of the building.
