
22 of January is the Day of Unification of Ukraine

On 22 of January we celebrate the Day of Unification of Ukraine in honor of the reunification of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UPR) and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic (WUPR) in 1919.


It was first officially celebrated in 1939 in Khust.

The Day of Unity of Ukraine is a unique sign of the unity of our people. The Life Chain in 1990 was a very significant event in this sense. From Kyiv to Ivano-Frankivsk, a chain of hands was formed. Exact data are not available, but according to approximate estimates, 500,000 to 3 million Ukrainians attended the event.

In Zaporizhzhia, the Unity Chain campaign took place at the Dnipro hydroelectric power station in 2015.


Currently, similar events are taking place in many cities of Ukraine. In the capital, for example, it has become a tradition for people to connect the left and right shores of the city through a live chain of people. Similar celebrations are being held in many North American and European countries where ethnic Ukrainians live.

Celebration of the Day of Unification of Ukraine is of great importance for forming and maintaining patriotic moods in our compatriots, and especially for the generation of growing children. In our city, annual concerts are held to commemorate this holiday, in schools there are open lessons and discussions and many other events.

Happy holidays, Zaporizhzhia ! Let's unite!

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