
Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Vasily Kandinsky - original works are presented in Zaporizhzhia

The art salon presents an exhibition of graphics and decorative sculpture. Such a large-scale and unique exhibition is organized in Zaporizhzhia for the first time.

"Graphics. From Shishkin to Picasso "

The collection is amazing, because each of its exhibits was created by a world-famous artist. The exhibition presents the works of Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Vasily Kandinsky, Georges Braque, Joan Miro and others.

More than 100 original works are made in different graphic techniques: etching, lithography, linocut, woodcut, poshoir. The organizers of the exhibition drew attention to these areas, as those that are becoming increasingly rare. In addition, these techniques allow you to take a fresh look at the work of recognized artists of the first echelon.

A unique opportunity to see printed graphics and the work of Pablo Picasso “The Dove of Peace”, recognized all over the world, will be presented to the Cossacks today. The collection mainly consists of works acquired at auctions and brought from different parts of Ukraine.

Lithograph by Pablo Picasso "Dove of Peace"

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Art Deco decorative sculpture

The exhibition hosts more than 40 decorative sculptures. Light, plastic, elegant forms combined the prints of various cultures and embodied in valuable materials (bronze, ivory, marble, onyx and craquelure ceramics). Art Deco is primarily a style of exquisite beauty and expensive chic. Some of the sculptures reflect different directions, continuing the aesthetics of the Egyptian style, the Empire style.

[Gallery type = 1 id = 11930]


The power to pobachiti right away is such a great kіlkіst of original works є may even uniquely. Vidkrittya vidavki v_dbulosya sogodny_ at the Art Salon, expositions can be seen stretching out two months and two times more and more.


The graphic exhibition will last for 2 months.

The exhibition of decorative sculpture will be on display for 2 weeks.

"Art Salon", 159 Soborny Ave.,

Admission to the exhibition is free


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