
Modern libraries of Zaporizhzhia

Real positive developments are underway in Zaporizhzhia to build a new model of a modern public library. The new library in Zaporizhzhia is a Scandinavian constructivism interior design, presentation, coworking, and recreation areas.


Today, 3 city libraries have acquired a modern look - the Central Library for Adults on 66 Gogol St.; the library on Mayakovsky Ave., 7 and the library on Sobornaya Ave., 173.

There was a major overhaul of the Central Library for Adults on 66 Gogol St. (the room has not been renovated since 1954). The cozy and interesting interior design, original recognizable identity (in logo, business cards, scrapbooks, coffee cups), new contemporary literature, a new philosophy of mass events have made this institution a favorite spot for young people and students. Library usage for this category of users increased from 13% to 34% in 6 months.

To create a modern image of the library from the city budget was allocated 824.6 thousand UAH, of which 398.4 thousand UAH. for repair works and 426.2 thousand UAH. for the purchase of equipment and furniture.

Large-scale repairs to the library on Mayakovsky Ave., 7, have been completed

Situated in a basement, not renovated since 1957. from the moment of commissioning of a residential building. The library, as a favorite place of communication, has unfortunately lost its users over the last decade. The institution has great potential, the book stock is about 50 thousand copies.

The library should become a modern platform for community initiatives, literary events, presentations, photo exhibitions. The building of the local museum of Zaporizhzhia sport is planned in the library.

For the renovation of the interior of this library from the city budget was allocated 1339,4 thousand UAH, of which 1089,8 thousand UAH. for repair and UAH 249.6 thousand. for the purchase of equipment and furniture.

A large-scale reconstruction of the library on Sobornaya avenue, 173, has been completed

The library began to serve the city residents in 1951.  The ​​book stock is about 5 thousand copies. Now it is a library of Ukrainian books (Ukrainian classics, Ukrainian contemporary prose and poetry). It aims to create a local museum exhibit.

The interior is created by a common brand.

The city budget allocated UAH 557.7 thousand for updating this library, including UAH 273.5 thousand. for repair works and UAH 284.2 thousand. for the purchase of equipment and furniture.


Today, cities have big plans for modernization and other libraries. At present, repair works are underway in the large district libraries - in the Zavodsky district at 45 Istorichnaya St. and in the Komunarsky district on Sitova St. 6. It is there that the public reference libraries are formed, which have books of 48,000 and 19,000 copies respectively.

They are well located in the center of the districts, have educational establishments, transport interchanges and developed infrastructure close by.

The book stock of 20 libraries of the Centralized Library System for Adults in 2019 has increased by 2 thousand 943 copies for the amount of 500 thousand UAH.

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